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Bad Breath Treatment

A lot of things can cause bad breath whether it be from eating spicy foods, smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee or tea. One of the most common causes is the buildup of bacteria in your mouth, usually in the form of plaque which also is the main cause for gum disease. Some people believe that bad breath is caused from having a lot of yeast in your intestinal tract from baked food and cheeses. Bad breath can also be caused by tooth decay, nose or throat infections, and even stress.

Treatment Of Bad Breath

It is important to replace your toothbrush every month, as well as after any mouth infection that you may have had to help prevent any bacteria build up. You should also floss your teeth at least three times per week. Try to avoid commercial mouthwashes. Most of them contain nothing more than flavor, dye, and alcohol. Although they can initially destroy the bacteria and get rid of your bad breath, it is only temporary and the bacteria will return later in greater force.

Here are some other things that may be helpful in fighting bad breath:


You should try to brush your teeth after every meal. You may need to carry around a travel sized toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. Make sure you brush your teeth, tongue, and gums for at least two minutes.


You should increase your fruit intake while decreasing foods that are high in sugar, alcohol, and vinegar.

Helpful Supplements

The following supplements will help you when fighting bad breath:
  • Super Papaya Enzyme Plus - Good for taking after your meals.
  • Vitamin C - You should consume 2000-6000 mg per day.
  • TheraBreath Bad Breath Treatment - toothpastes, mouthwashes, and other remedies for bad breath

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